Dormant Pruning Services – Certified Arborist, Sean Johnson

On behalf of our entire organization, thank you for choosing our Dormant Pruning Services and for Celebrating our 35th Anniversary (1985-2020) with us!

Dormant Pruning is the process of performing routine maintenance pruning to your trees and shrubs during a period that will cause the least amount of stress to the plants. It is a great time to remove damaged limbs, shape canopies, elevate low limbs for added sunlight to your turf and reduce weight before heavy snow fall.

Dormant pruning will also encourage better flowering in the spring on some species, added fruit production on some species and improve growth habits.

Overgrown shrubs can also be reduced in size by 1/3 or more during this period. If you have shrubs that are overgrown, now is a great time to reduce the size and rejuvenate the plant. This type of heavy reduction pruning cannot be completed during the growing season due to flowering and stress caused by significant pruning.

The process will cost far less then re-landscaping. Good candidates for this pruning are Spirea, Privet, Taxus, Forsythia, Burning bushes, Lilacs and Viburnums.

Please contact me directly to provide an evaluation of your trees and shrubs and determine what pruning process is best for your landscape. A detailed estimated will be provided for each landscape recommended for pruning.

Sean Johnson
