Spiders Found in North Jersey

New Jersey is home to several interesting spider species, most of which are harmless. However, some spiders are armed with a poisonous venom that could cause serious health consequences to pets, children, and adults who have been ill. Let’s talk about the spiders found in North Jersey and see which you should be wary of.
House Spiders
The most common type of spider found in North Jersey is house spiders. They are the daddy long leg varieties that spin webs in the dark corners. The two most common types of house spiders are the Opiliones arachnids, also known as harvestmen, and the Phocidae, commonly called cellar spiders.
House spiders serve a useful purpose in the grand scheme of things. If you have houseplants, house spiders will keep insects that nibble on your garden in check. They catch those annoying flies in mid-wing. They even are quite the decorative accent during Halloween. If you want to get rid of house spiders, a bit of spider web removal with a vacuum or broom will typically do the job. Dial Environmental can help with regular spider web cleaning.
Brown Recluse Spiders
Other spiders found in North Jersey aren’t as benign, however. The Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles reclusa) often lives in woodpiles and under debris in basements or sheds. It’s a hunter and doesn’t stay put in a corner web.
A brown recluse bite can cause necrosis, creating an open wound that will not heal. It can be fatal to the elderly, young children, and the infirm. If you find even one brown recluse in your home, call an exterminator immediately. There’s probably an infestation in your house because these spiders do not do well in the cold Jersey winters outdoors.
Northern Black Widow Spider
The Northern Black Widow Spider (Latrodectus variolus) is another arachnid to be aware of. The female black widow has a distinctive red hourglass on her abdomen. The male has red and white markings on his stomach, as well. The black widow likes to live in dark areas, including basements, garages, closets, and woodpiles.
A black widow bite can cause sweating, nausea, high blood pressure, pain, and abdominal cramping. If you’ve identified a black widow on her web, call a specialist to locate and remove the spiders positively.
Sac Spiders
Sac spiders are typically found outdoors and are most active at night, but depending on the species, their bites can be painful. Cheiracanthium inclusum spiders are pale yellow, while Cheiracanthium mildei spiders have a slightly green abdomen. Of the two, the bite of the Cheiracanthium inclusum can result in heart palpitations, swelling, and itching, which may develop into blisters, fever, muscle cramps, and nausea.
Most spiders aren’t interested in living in areas with high human or animal traffic. To reduce their numbers, keep corners debris-free, and do regular web cleaning. Pay attention when bringing wood inside from the woodpile or tools from the shed since spiders like to hang out in those locations. To keep spiders outside your home, make sure to seal windows and that gaps beneath the door are filled in.
When it’s time to call a professional pest control agency, Dial Environmental can help you with your arachnid issues. We provide year-round spider web dusting and removal service and a basement HEPA Vacuum Winter Clean-up maintenance. Any spider infestations can be caught and managed with prescription botanical and low-impact treatments, safer for your family and pets.